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Roman Catholic Media

Roman Catholic Media is the media arm of the Roman Catholic Institute, dedicated to preserving Pre-Vatican II Catholicism.

Nov 16, 2014

The Modernists have virtually killed off Hell, by neglecting to talk about it for fifty years and by sending off people to Heaven when they die, as if there were no possibility of either Purgatory or Hell. But the Catholic doctrine on Hell is quite different...

Nov 10, 2014

Just as the Cathedral rests on its foundation so does the primacy of Peter rests on the foundation of the Faith. 

Nov 10, 2014

The world is a theater, a stage, upon which we enter, perform for a time, and then leave. One generation leaves, and another takes its place...

Nov 10, 2014

It is in His saints that God is wonderful above all His other works. For them was this world framed: for their sakes is it preserved and governed. 

Nov 10, 2014

Sanctifying grace makes us the adoptive children of God and our souls become the temples of God. Today's Feast reminds us of such august privilege.